Quick Facts
- Our school welcomes approximately 400 students in Grades 7 - 8 each year.
- We offer the English Program with Core French, and Early and Middle French Immersion.
- Students join us from Cambridge P.S. Centennial P.S., Elgin Street P.S., First Avenue P.S., Lady Evelyn A.S. and Mutchmor P.S.
- After completing grade 8, most students attend Glebe C.I. or Lisgar H.S.
Mission Statement
Glashan's mission is to engage each student in a challenging learning environment that recognizes the diverse intellectual, social, emotional, physical and cultural needs of the young adolescent, and nourishes individual potential in the pursuit of excellence. The students are empowered to take responsibility for their destiny.
Interested in registering your child at our school? Contact us or visit the OCDSB Registration page.
About Our School
In 1888, a one-room school was opened on the Glashan site. It had one teacher and 99 students. Growth was so rapid that in 1892, Moses Edey, the architect of several historic Ottawa buildings, was commissioned to design a replacement school which, by 1931, grew to a three-story, multi-room facility. The school’s name was changed in 1905 to Glashan Public School, honoring the inspector who supervised the board from 1876 to 1910. In 1979 a new Glashan school was built on the site. Glashan has long enjoyed a reputation as an inclusive, cooperative, nurturing learning environment with an excellent reputation in the community.
Our student body represents a mix of cultures, ability levels, and economic realities. The students demonstrate a strong commitment to the school and a respect for each other. Sports teams, student council, and special club members serve as proud ambassadors for our school. Our students speak over 30 different languages, and the richness in backgrounds provides us with the wonderful opportunity to learn and be more accepting of all.
Our dedicated, caring staff provides a positive, high quality, child-centered inclusive environment. The staff at Glashan is deeply committed to providing the best educational experience for our students. The office staff, custodians, support personnel, and teachers work as a team to provide authentic learning experiences that engage our students through robust tasks and carefully designed assessment.
Parents/Guardians and Community
Glashan is located in the heart of the city of Ottawa. Glashan students live in The Glebe and Centretown. Many students in our specialized programs live in different neighborhoods across the city. We are proud of our vibrant and diverse community. Glashan School greatly appreciates the dedication of the parents and volunteers that support our school and classroom programs. Our students are supported through a strong partnership between home and school.
Both school gyms and yards are widely used by community groups each evening. The school uses Chamberlain Park, owned by the City of Ottawa, for outdoor physical education instruction and Central Park for special events such as the annual class relays. The school’s Centretown location also affords easy access to resources in downtown Ottawa such as the Parliament Buildings, museums, libraries, and historical sites that enhance aspects of the school curriculum.
We offer the following academic programs:
- English Program with Core French: Instruction in the English language in all subject areas as well as instruction in French through Core French (40 minutes daily).
- Early and Middle French Immersion: Students receive 50% of instruction in French.
- Congregated Gifted classes (English Program)
- General Learning Program class
Glashan makes every attempt to differentiate and enrich programs to support all students. Careful tracking of students experiencing difficulty, combined with close communication between home and school, is designed to bring about positive change in students at risk. It is the involvement of students, staff, parents, and the community at large working for the success of the students, which makes Glashan School such an exciting and positive learning environment. Glashan also takes part in the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Project.
We support students with specialized learning needs and multilingual learners through:
- English as a Second Language (inclusive teaching model with withdrawal and classroom support where required).
- Learning Support Teacher (LST)
- Learning Resource Teachers (LRT)
Glashan students enjoy the use of:
- Two large gyms
- Computer lab
- Interactive SMART Boards
- Access to iPads and Chromebooks
- Library resource centre
- Science lab
- Wheelchair accessible
- Breakfast and Lunch Program available to all students
A strong commitment to Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility is embedded throughout the OCDSB 2023-2027 Strategic Plan and captured within each area of focus: learning, well-being, and social responsibility. We strive to ensure that our school is a welcoming and safe place for students of all identities to feel valued and respected as they engage, learn, grow, explore, and discover.
For more information, please visit the OCDSB’s Equity and Diversity website.